# Project Instructions
Use the project specification and guidelines as you build the Perplexity clone.
Write the complete code for every step. Do not get lazy.
Your goal is to completely finish whatever the user asks for.
## Overview
Perplexity clone is a web app that allows you to search the web and get an AI generated answer.
## Tech Stack
- Frontend: Next.js, Tailwind, Shadcn, Framer Motion
- Backend: Postgres, Supabase, Drizzle ORM, Server Actions
- Auth: Clerk
- Payments: Stripe
- Deployment: Vercel
## Project Structure
### General Structure
- `actions` - Server actions
- `db` - Database related actions
- Other actions
- `app` - Next.js app router
- `api` - API routes
- `route` - An example route (each of these are only if needed)
- `_components` - One-off components for the route
- `layout.tsx` - Layout for the route
- `page.tsx` - Page for the route
- `components` - Shared components
- `ui` - UI components
- `utilities` - Utility components
- `db` - Database
- `migrations` - Database migrations (you never have to do anything in here)
- `queries` - Database queries
- `schema` - Database schemas
- `lib` - Library code
- `hooks` - Custom hooks
- `prompts` - Prompt files
- `public` - Static assets
- `types` - Type definitions
### Project Specific Structure
## Rules
Follow these rules when building the project.
### General Rules
- Use `@` to import anything from the project unless otherwise specified
- Use camel case for all files and folders unless otherwise specified
#### Env Rules
- If you update environment variables, update the `.env.example` file
- All environment variables should go in `.env.local`
- Do not expose environment variables to the frontend
- Use `NEXT_PUBLIC_` prefix for environment variables that need to be accessed from the frontend
- You may import environment variables in server actions and components by using `process.env.VARIABLE_NAME`
#### Type Rules
Follow these rules when working with types.
- When importing types, use `@/types`
- Name files like `example-types.ts`
- All types should go in `types`
- Make sure to export the types in `types/index.ts`
- Prefer interfaces over type aliases
- If referring to db types, use `@/db/schema` such as `SelectTodo` from `todos-schema.ts`
An example of a type:
export type ActionState<T> = {
isSuccess: boolean
message: string
data?: T
And exporting it:
export * from "./actions-types"
### Frontend Rules
Follow these rules when working on the frontend.
It uses Next.js, Tailwind, Shadcn, and Framer Motion.
#### General Rules
- Use `lucide-react` for icons
#### Components
- Use divs instead of other html tags unless otherwise specified
- Separate the main parts of a component's html with an extra blank line for visual spacing
- Use actions, not queries, in the app
- Always tag a component with either `use server` or `use client` at the top, including layouts and pages
##### Organization
- All components be named using kebab case like `example-component.tsx` unless otherwise specified
- Put components in `/_components` in the route if one-off components
- Put components in `/components` from the root if shared components
##### Data Fetching
- Fetch data in server components and pass down as props to client components such as `initialTodos`
- Use server actions from `/actions` to mutate data
##### Server Components
- Use `"use server"` at the top of the file
- Implement Suspense for asynchronous data fetching
- Use a separate fetcher component for data loading (see example below)
- Make sure to use `async` for all pages and components if they are server components
Example of a server page:
"use server"
import { Suspense } from "react"
import { SomeAction } from "@/actions/some-actions"
import SomeComponent from "./_components/some-component"
import SomeSkeleton from "./_components/some-skeleton"
export default async function ExampleServerPage({
}: {
params: { id: string }
}) {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<SomeSkeleton className="some-class" />}>
<SomeComponentFetcher id={params.id} />
async function SomeComponentFetcher({ id }: { id: string }) {
const { data } = await SomeAction(id)
return (
<SomeComponent className="some-class" initialData={data || []} id={id} />
Example of a server component:
"use server"
interface ExampleServerComponentProps {
// Your props here
export async function ExampleServerComponent({
}: ExampleServerComponentProps) {
// Your code here
##### Client Components
- Use `"use client"` at the top of the file
Example of a client page:
"use client"
export default function ExampleClientPage() {
// Your code here
Example of a client component:
"use client"
interface ExampleClientComponentProps {
// Your props here
export default function ExampleClientComponent({
}: ExampleClientComponentProps) {
// Your code here
### Backend Rules
Follow these rules when working on the backend.
It uses Postgres, Supabase, Drizzle ORM, and Server Actions.
#### General Rules
- Never generate migrations. You do not have to do anything in the `db/migrations` folder inluding migrations and metadata. Ignore it.
#### Organization
#### Schemas
- When importing schemas, use `@/db/schema`
- Name files like `example-schema.ts`
- All schemas should go in `db/schema`
- Make sure to export the schema in `db/schema/index.ts`
- Make sure to add the schema to the `schema` object in `db/db.ts`
- If using a userId, always use `userId: text("user_id").notNull()`
- Always include createdAt and updatedAt columns in all tables
- Make sure to cascade delete when necessary
- Use enums for columns that have a limited set of possible values such as:
import { pgEnum } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"
export const membershipEnum = pgEnum("membership", ["free", "pro"])
membership: membershipEnum("membership").notNull().default("free")
Example of a schema:
import { boolean, pgTable, text, timestamp, uuid } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"
export const todosTable = pgTable("todos", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
userId: text("user_id").notNull(),
content: text("content").notNull(),
completed: boolean("completed").default(false).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").defaultNow().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at")
.$onUpdate(() => new Date())
export type InsertTodo = typeof todosTable.$inferInsert
export type SelectTodo = typeof todosTable.$inferSelect
And exporting it:
export * from "./todos-schema"
And adding it to the schema in `db/db.ts`:
import { todosTable } from "@/db/schema"
const schema = {
todos: todosTable
And a more complex schema:
import { pgTable, text, timestamp, uuid } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"
export const chatsTable = pgTable("chats", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
userId: text("user_id").notNull(),
name: text("name").notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").defaultNow().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at")
.$onUpdate(() => new Date())
export type InsertChat = typeof chatsTable.$inferInsert
export type SelectChat = typeof chatsTable.$inferSelect
import { pgEnum, pgTable, text, timestamp, uuid } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"
import { chatsTable } from "./chats-schema"
export const roleEnum = pgEnum("role", ["assistant", "user"])
export const messagesTable = pgTable("messages", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
chatId: uuid("chat_id")
.references(() => chatsTable.id, { onDelete: "cascade" })
content: text("content").notNull(),
role: roleEnum("role").notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").defaultNow().notNull(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at")
.$onUpdate(() => new Date())
export type InsertMessage = typeof messagesTable.$inferInsert
export type SelectMessage = typeof messagesTable.$inferSelect
And exporting it:
export * from "./chats-schema"
export * from "./messages-schema"
And adding it to the schema in `db/db.ts`:
import { chatsTable, messagesTable } from "@/db/schema"
const schema = {
chats: chatsTable,
messages: messagesTable
#### Queries
- When importing queries, use `@/db/queries`
- Name files like `example-queries.ts`
- All queries should go in `db/queries`
- Queries have 'use server' at the top
- Only write the needed queries
- Do not use explicit returns in queries
- Sort in CRUD order: Create, Read, Update, Delete
Example of a query:
"use server"
import { db } from "@/db/db"
import { InsertTodo, todosTable } from "@/db/schema"
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm"
export const createTodo = async (data: InsertTodo) => {
try {
const [newTodo] = await db.insert(todosTable).values(data).returning()
return newTodo
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating todo:", error)
throw new Error("Failed to create todo")
export const getTodos = async (userId: string) => {
try {
return db.query.todos.findMany({
where: eq(todosTable.userId, userId)
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting todos:", error)
throw new Error("Failed to get todos")
#### Server Actions
- When importing actions, use `@/actions` or `@/actions/db` if db related
- DB related actions should go in the `actions/db` folder
- Other actions should go in the `actions` folder
- Name files like `example-actions.ts`
- All actions should go in the `actions` folder
- Always use `revalidatePath("/")` after a successful action
- Only write the needed actions
- Return an ActionState with the needed data type from actions
- Include Action at the end of function names `Ex: exampleFunction -> exampleFunctionAction`
- Actions should return a Promise<ActionState<T>>
- Actions use queries from `db/queries`
- Sort in CRUD order: Create, Read, Update, Delete
export type ActionState<T> = {
isSuccess: boolean
message: string
data?: T
Example of an action:
"use server"
import { createTodo, getTodos } from "@/db/queries/todos-queries"
import { InsertTodo, SelectTodo } from "@/db/schema/todos-schema"
import { ActionState } from "@/types"
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache"
export async function createTodoAction(
todo: InsertTodo
): Promise<ActionState<SelectTodo>> {
try {
const newTodo = await createTodo(todo)
return {
isSuccess: true,
message: "Todo created successfully",
data: newTodo
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating todo:", error)
return { isSuccess: false, message: "Failed to create todo" }
export async function getTodosAction(
userId: string
): Promise<ActionState<SelectTodo[]>> {
try {
const todos = await getTodos(userId)
return {
isSuccess: true,
message: "Todos retrieved successfully",
data: todos
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting todos:", error)
return { isSuccess: false, message: "Failed to get todos" }
### Auth Rules
Follow these rules when working on auth.
It uses Clerk for authentication.
#### General Rules
- Import the auth helper with `import { auth } from "@clerk/nextjs/server"` in server components
### Payments Rules
Follow these rules when working on payments.
It uses Stripe for payments.